Prologue. Hallyu: Peak or Inflection Point?
Section 1. 2022 Major Issues in Hallyu ISSUE 1. The global sensation of Squid Game -Analysis of various performance indicators and popularity factors of Squid Game -Performance and prospects of Korean video contents after Squid Game ISSUE 2. Increased hybridity and solidification of fandoms in K-Pop -Increased hybridity of K-Pop -Solidification of K-Pop fandoms ISSUE 3. Expansion of Hallyu contents consumption owing to prolonged COVID-19 pandemic -Increased Hallyu contents consumption compared with previous year -Drama favorability increase by 4.2% in 2021 from 2020 -Hallyu contents Brand Power Index up 3.1 points from previous year ISSUE 4. Expanding popularization of Hallyu -Increase in Hallyu Index -Increase in Hallyu usage indicators -Reduction in gap of Hallyu contents usage by sex and age ISSUE 5. K-Pop and Hallyu after BTS -BTS temporarily suspends group activities -Future of K-Pop and Hallyu
Section 2. Analysis of Hallyu Trends by Region and Country CHAPTER 1. Perception of Hallyu (Korea) -Images associated with Korea -Negative perceptions of Hallyu contents and their causes -Changes in perception of Korea after using Hallyu contents CHAPTER 2. Hallyu consumption -Consumption behavior of Hallyu contents -Spread of Hallyu usage -Changes in consumption of Hallyu contents compared with before the COVID-19 outbreak CHAPTER 3. Popularity of Hallyu -Popularity and favorability of Hallyu contents -Favorability and inhibiting favorabilty Factors of Hallyu contents -Favorite Hallyu contents -Favorite Hallyu stars -Brand Power Index of Hallyu contents CHAPTER 4. Hallyu ripple effects -Intention to use Korean products and services in the future -Intention to pay for Hallyu contents in the future -Influence of consuming Hallyu contents on purchasing or using Korean products and services |